
Ignition training
Ignition training

ignition training

This is a transformational process and it works TWO WAYS. Every excuse you can dig up is just that: an excuse. Go re-read that first line on this page and make it your third agreement: I CAN DO THIS. Or maybe, wait until you're in better shape. Come back to this after you've lost weight, it whispers. If one of those hooks sinks in, your brain will start bargaining with you. You know the drill: you're too fat or too skinny, too old or too young, too flabby, too busy, or too something. Mistakes are not verdicts on your self-worth they are sign posts that help you navigate to the correct move.Īs a last resort, your monkey brain will throw a tantrum and start calling you names. If toddlers were afraid of falling, we'd all be crawling around on hands and knees. If you screw up, laugh it off and try again. The way you improve any skill is to try, reach the limits of your ability, fail, and try again. But being willing to look stupid - risking the emotional pain of making mistakes - is absolutely essential to success. I wish I could tell you that with this approach, you will always be comfortable, happy and graceful. There's only one way around this: be willing to look stupid. How many people do you know who won't try a yoga class, dance class or new sport for this same exact reason? No one wants to be embarrassed, feel awkward or look stupid. This excuse is one of the most powerful weapons our change-resistent brain will use to keep you parked in the recliner in front of the TV. It takes effort, determination, and pure grit, but you are forging a Warrior's mind, body and spirit. Push past the short-term pain to reach the long-term goal. Once the novelty wears off you'll figure out that Kung Fu is Chinese for "Hard Work." Your first agreement is simple: be willing to do the hard work. This course has no such initiations, but the sense of commitment is the same.


The Kung Fu legends are full of stories where a new disciple would have to endure a brutal series of physical and mental tests to prove their readiness. Training Kung Fu is not easy, and it is not for everyone. This was done to test the student's persistance. Often a student would be harshly rejected time and time again before finally being accepted. In the old days, the Kung Fu Master would make a potential student prove their dedication and commitment before they could begin the training. With some simple agreements with yourself, you can get past this stage.

ignition training

Before you step onto the mat the first time, simply be aware of the most common tactics your monkey mind is going to throw at you. It is possible that as you begin Wing Chun training, you will likely face down every fear and doubt that your mind can dredge up. The goal is to continually stimulate and challenge both your brain and body so that you continually improve. Just when you begin to get comfortable with a drill and think, "Hey, I got this!" we're going to modify it, add onto it, or blend it with something else. All of the drills start simply and then become progressively more challenging. Each of the Wing Chun forms is like a textbook containing physical structures, techniques, tactics, and principles. As you saw in the Curriculum section, each phase is a combination of forms and drills. We're going to build a solid foundation that gives you practical stuff from day one, and add onto that with each new module. So we're going to take a hybrid approach. We don't want people to end up getting hurt unintentionally. Unfortunately, accidents happen if we jump straight to the really cool stuff. The exciting part about self-defense is dumping the Bad Guy on the ground and breaking pieces and parts that he considers important.

ignition training

Most threats can be avoided with simple Evasion strategies, but that involves learning about violence dynamics, types of Bad Guys, recognizing pre-incident indicators, and personal behaviors that make you a "hard target." While valuable to know, its mostly lecture and abstract understanding. From a purely logical standpoint, we would progress through the Wing Chun Concepts self-defense material based on a descending arc from most common to least common threats and responses. They have to be challenged or excited or entertained in order to be motivated to do anything. They want a Reward Ratio to motivate them.

Ignition training